The value of cake and protein, their production in the process of processing oilseeds

Currently, the focus in the processing of oilseeds (pressing technology) is shifting not only to the quality of the oil, but also to the quality of the resulting cake as a source of raw materials for the production of compound feeds. Depending on the set goal and the task to be solved, the company builds either a creamery, or a "Cake factory", or a universal processing line.
If a creamery is being built, then the primary production will be vegetable oil, and the secondary or related product will be cake.
If an enterprise sets the task of building a "cake factory" for processing seeds in order to produce cake for feed or food purposes, then obtaining high-quality high-protein cake will be a priority, and vegetable oil will be in the background or a secondary product. In such a cake, all the useful vitamins and nutritional properties of the feedstock should be preserved as much as possible, which will ensure maximum conversion of feed into finished products. In addition, during the construction of the "cake factory" it is important to understand which animals or birds the cake will be used for fattening. Then, based on this, it will be possible to determine which plant proteins are of the greatest interest — soluble (cleavable) or transit proteins.
Cake and protein are valuable products obtained during the processing of oilseeds.
Pressing technology
Most agro- and farm enterprises prefer to install oilseed processing lines that provide both vegetable oil and cake at the same time. We offer lines of different capacities from 250 kg/h to 1000 and above for processing rapeseed, soybeans, and sunflower.
Our technological schemes use technologies of single or double pressing with extrusion in order to obtain maximum oil yield and a high–quality, well-digestible product - cake with a high protein content (8-12% more in cake than in raw materials).
The use of different modifications and connection schemes of the equipment allows us to offer different design solutions - from processing small volumes of oilseeds, to large production enterprises, taking into account technical requirements and the set goal.
It should be noted that the cake after pressing, unlike the extracted meal, has a higher energy level, since it contains 6-8% oil. Moreover, this is a fairly optimal level of oil content for the production of compound feeds and you will not need to additionally buy and add vegetable oil to the feed mixture, as when using meal in compound feeds. The oil in such a cake is in a bound (native) state, which expands the possibilities of using the cake. Such a cake can also be considered not only as a substitute for meal, but also as a completely independent competitive feed product.

What is the value of cakes?
Oilcakes are products (pressed seeds of oilseeds without oil pressed from them) obtained after pressing oil from seeds of oilseeds such as sunflower, rapeseed, soy and others. It contains a lot of protein, fat, fiber and minerals, which makes it an excellent food. Cake is obtained during the processing of oilseeds by pressing oil on a cold and hot pressed oil press from oilseeds. With this method, a large amount of fat remains in the waste (7 ...11%). Fats are especially important in feeding poultry and lactating animals. Sufficient fat content ensures better absorption of fat-soluble vitamins in the animal's body.
Cake is a by-product formed in the process of obtaining oils from sunflower, rapeseed, corn, flax, peanuts, hemp, pine nuts.
Rapeseed cake
Rapeseed cake is a valuable source of protein and nutrients, which is obtained during the production of rapeseed oil. Due to the fact that rapeseed belongs to the cruciferous family, the cake obtained from it is a dairy feed. A fairly high protein content allows you to increase the fat content of milk, and a low fiber content allows you to combine this additive with other feeds.
The cake is characterized by:
The composition includes: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, as well as B vitamins and vitamin E. Due to this, it promotes healthy growth and development of animals, improves their productivity and strengthens the immune system.
It contains up to 35% crude protein and is an excellent source of essential amino acids, the proportion of cleavable protein is up to 80%
It can be included in compound feeds for highly productive cows up to 15%, while milk yields increase by 10-15%, and milk fat content – by 0.2-0.3%
A distinctive feature of this product is also the high residue of crude oil in the cake. And, as you know, rapeseed oil contains oleic acid, which in turn increases the metabolic energy of the feed. This makes it possible to eliminate the additional introduction of vegetable oils into the diet of cattle.
The use of rapeseed cake in animal feeding makes it possible to reduce feed costs and increase the economic efficiency of animal husbandry.

Sunflower cake
Sunflower cake is a valuable source of nutrients obtained during the production of sunflower oil. It is used as animal feed, as it contains a large amount of protein (up to 40%) and amino acids necessary for healthy growth and development.
The quality of the cake as a feed is determined by the type of sunflower seeds and the process of obtaining oil from them. When using the cold pressing method, sunflower cake is not exposed to high temperatures. Such a cake is characterized by:
A sufficient fat content (7-11%) ensures better digestibility of fat-soluble vitamins in the animal's body. A lack of fats in the diet can lead to impaired reproductive function.
1 kg of cake contains 13.6 g of lysine, 4.7 g of tryptophan, 6 – methionine and 7 g of cystine.
Low degree of oxidation and preservation of the maximum amount of useful substances necessary for the full growth and development of animals.
It is rich in vitamins and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, as well as B vitamins and vitamin E. This makes it ideal, which has a positive effect on the immunity of animals.
It has a high protein content, which allows it to be used as an affordable substitute for other feeds.
The advantage is the low content of anti-nutrients, which make it difficult to assimilate useful elements.
The protein contained in the cake is complete in amino acid composition, especially in comparison with cereal feeds.

Soy cake
Soy is the raw material for the production of cake. Soybean meal has become an indispensable component of complete feed and feed mixtures.
The cake is characterized by:
It contains about 6% moisture, 24-28% crude protein and 13-16% crude fiber.
The leader in metabolic energy, protein content and B vitamins, a source of protein and amino acids, which are necessary for the growth and development of animals.
It contains a minimum amount of fiber.
It contains antioxidants that can improve the immunity of animals and reduce the risk of diseases.
Soy protein is perfectly absorbed by the animal body and is comparable in value to proteins of animal origin.

Technological stages of cake production
- The purified oil seeds are sent through an ACTIVE STORAGE DEVICE to a NORMALIZER before processing, which provides heating of the raw material to 35 ° C with the possibility of adjusting the heating temperature using the automated process control system. After heating, the oil seeds are fed for the first pressing into a COLD-PRESSED PRESS, where about 60-70% of the oil is squeezed out and a cake with an oil content of 20-23% comes out. After the first pressing, the cake is fed into the EXTRUDER for preparation and heating before the second pressing.
- The second stage of pressing is a HOT-PRESSED PRESS, on which the residual oil is pressed. The resulting rapeseed oil passes through a filtration system and enters STORAGE TANKS for further shipment to vehicles. A cake with an oil content of up to 9% comes out of the press, which, if necessary, is cooled, crushed and fed to a warehouse for storage and further shipment, or further processing for the production of compound feed. The resulting protein cake has high value, as it is the main building material for living organisms. As a rule, the energy nutritional value of cake is higher than that of meal.
Cake protein is a key component of feed
Protein is the most important nutrient, which affects not only the milk yield and milk quality, but also the nature of metabolism, the degree of digestion of feed, health status and reproduction function. Protein deficiency in the diets of cows in previous years reached 8-10%. With a lack of 1% protein in the diet, feed consumption increases by 2%. Cattle satisfy their protein needs from two sources: bacterial protein synthesized in the rumen and feed protein.
Protein is a nitrogen–containing substance that is the main building material for all living organisms.
Protein normalizes carbohydrate metabolism in the animal's body, increases the rate of biomass formation during active growth, is a regulator of metabolism.
Protein plays a key role in the growth and repair of tissues, as well as in the production of enzymes and hormones, is important for maintaining the immune system and bone health.
Cake is a product of processing oilseeds, which contains a large amount of protein. The protein of cake is an important component of animal feed. The complex equipment of Globalprodservice (the only manufacturer in the Republic of Belarus) for processing oilseeds ensures the production of high-grade cake rich in protein. For the agricultural industry, protein cake is an ingredient in compound feed, a valuable product for the diet of animals with a high concentration of protein (up to 40%) and fats.

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